Mindful in May: Keeping up the good work!

By June 5, 2015 Media No Comments
Meditation challenge
Today is the final fundraising day of Mindful In May (and not too late to donate HERE to bring water to much needed communities in Uganda) and we are incredibly proud to have been involved in such a beneficial community action.
Meditating daily has proven to be a challenge for the Kilby team as we are all busy people, but choosing to find that five minutes is a wonderful chance to stop, recalibrate, and start again with a fresher mind.
But for those in the horticultural industry, or who just love to garden – You’re already at a wonderful advantage to start improving your mental and physical health. The benefits of working in parks, gardens and amongst nature are enormous and well documented. Some of the stand out benefits include:
carrying plant
1. A decreased risk of stroke and heart disease due to contribution to your 2.5 recommended hours of exercise per week.
2. Studies have shown gardening reflects lower levels of cortisol – the stress hormone – in difference to a group who stayed indoors and read. This is thought to be due to our natural connection to the Earth and the satisfying contribution planting or maintaining plants offers. “Horticulture Therapy” is also an effective method for reducing depression and anxiety.
3. Daily gardening has been shown to lower the risk of dementia by 36% – Thought to be due to the endurance, dexterity, problem solving and sensory awareness that gardening requires.
Combine these benefits with those that come with mindful meditation practices – a mind better structured to deal with stress and negativity, increased immune function and a reduction of genetic ageing (It’s not all just sunshine – It’s also science!) and you’ve got yourself a wonderful kick start to a happier life.
 Meditation Lady

Whats your favourite relaxation technique? Have you found your balance of being busy and taking time for yourself?

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